Dear future mayor of Bracciano Lake, I do not care if you're a "man" center-right, center or left if elected through a Civic Party.
I am sending you this letter in advance, before it becomes the first city to let you know photographed in a situation (as evidenced by the images published in this post), now to the 13 and 30. I visited the public baths, located near the town square in the heart of the historic center and then, never imagined to find all types of comfort, for performing a biological function my (biological function of all living things), however, Although I have seen different situations in the country and lake, I wonder, but what it takes to clean public toilets? And, moreover, are only two located in the historic center!
Dear future mayor, I do not want this letter to ask themselves who are responsible for the situation of the baths just mentioned, do not even want to become un argomento da strumentalizzare in campagna elettorale. Ti chiedo, tra i vari punti che presenterai nel programma amministrativo alla cittadinanza di ricordarti come sia importante il decoro urbano del paese,( per la qualità della vita,per uno sviluppo turistico del comprensorio, eccetera, eccetera..). sia nel centro storico, sia nelle zone limitrofe.
Augurandomi che non mi deluderai, caro futuro Sindaco,
Cordiali saluti.
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