Monday, January 24, 2011

Contract Letter Employee

Service of the Word Month of January

ONVERSIONE of St. Paul Today's readings are from the New Lectionary, if you want
previous texts click here.
Grade Celebration: FESTIVAL
Liturgical Color: White
Listen to the Gospel>
Today we see God's power in St. Paul, from persecutor to apostle who became the accepted faith in Christ and has spread with extraordinary apostolic fruitfulness, which is not yet ended.
But since we are still in the week of unity, we reflect on some aspects of Paul's conversion that can be put in relation with the drive.
St. Paul was concerned to the maximum unity of the people of God was this the reason that drove him to persecute Christians, he would not tolerate even the thought that men of his people to tear off the old tradition, he was educated, as he himself says, the exact observance of the Law of the Fathers, and was zealous for God to the Jews that listen to him after his arrest in fact he compares his zeal to them: "... full of zeal for God, as you all are today." So
can be filled with zeal for God, but in the wrong way. St. Paul himself says in Romans: "They have a lot of zeal, but zeal is not according to God," is a zeal for God, but designed according to men (cf. Rom 10:2).
Now, as Paul, filled with zeal for God, he used all means and in particular violence to keep the unity of the people of God, God has completely "converted", addresses these words to make it clear what the real unit . "Who are you, Lord?" I said, I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting. " Nelle tre narrazioni della conversione di Paolo molti dettagli cambiano: alcuni vengono aggiunti, altri scompaiono, ma queste parole si trovano sempre, perché sono veramente centrali. Paolo evidentemente non aveva coscienza di perseguitare Gesù, caricando di catene i cristiani, ma il Signore in questo momento gli rivela l'unità profonda esistente fra lui e i suoi discepoli: "Io sono Gesù il Nazareno, che tu perseguiti". Forse proprio allora Paolo ebbe la prima rivelazione del corpo di Cristo, del quale ha parlato poi nelle sue lettere. Tutti siamo membra di Cristo per la fede in lui: in questo consiste la nostra unità.
Gesù stesso fonda la sua Chiesa visibile. "Che devo fare, Signore" chiede Paolo, e il Signore not answered directly: "Continue to Damascus, and there you will be informed of everything that has been established that you do." So he sends him to the Church, does not want a conversion to his Apostle individualistic, with no relation to the other disciples. He must join the Church, the Body of Christ, which must adhere to live in true faith.
After his conversion Paul was kept in heart the desire to be united with the people of Israel. Writes in Romans with words that can not be read without deep emotion: "I speak the truth in Christ, not lying, and my conscience bears witness in the Holy Spirit in my heart a great sorrow and suffering continues. I would like infatti essere io stesso anatema, separato da Cristo a vantaggio dei miei fratelli, miei consanguinei secondo la carne. Essi sono Israeliti e possiedono l'adozione a figli, la gloria, le alleanze, la legislazione, il culto, le promesse, i patriarchi; da essi proviene Cristo secondo la carne, egli che è sopra ogni cosa, Dio benedetto nei secoli".
Ogni cristiano dovrebbe avere questa tristezza continua, che non impedisce di essere gioiosi in Cristo, perché è una tristezza secondo Dio, che ci unisce al cuore di Cristo. E la sofferenza per il popolo di Israele che non riconosce Cristo, per i cristiani che sono divisi e non giungono all'unità che il Signore vuole.

Entrance Antiphon
I know whom I have believed,
and I am sure that he, the righteous judge,
is able to keep that which I
until the last day. (2 Timothy 1:12; 4.8)

Collect O God, who hast enlightened all nations
with the words of Paul,
grant that we, today
remember his conversion,
to be witnesses of your truth
and always walk in the way of the Gospel.
our Lord Jesus Christ ...

First reading
At 22.3 to 16
Arise, be baptized and purify your sins, calling on the name of Jesus

Dagli Atti degli Apostoli

In quei giorni, Paolo disse al popolo:
«Io sono un Giudeo, nato a Tarso in Cilìcia, ma educato in questa città, formato alla scuola di Gamalièle nell’osservanza scrupolosa della Legge dei padri, pieno di zelo per Dio, come oggi siete tutti voi. Io perseguitai a morte questa Via, incatenando e mettendo in carcere uomini e donne, come può darmi testimonianza anche il sommo sacerdote e tutto il collegio degli anziani. Da loro avevo anche ricevuto lettere per i fratelli e mi recai a Damasco per condurre prigionieri a Gerusalemme even those who are there because they were punished.
While I was traveling and I was approaching Damascus, about noon a great light from heaven flashed around me, I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?". I said, "Who are you, Lord?". He said: "I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting." Those who were with me saw the light, but did not hear the voice of one speaking to me. I asked, "What shall I do, Lord?". And the Lord said to me: "Arise and go into Damascus, and there you'll be told all that is appointed for you face. And since I could not see, because of the brightness of that light, guided by the hand by my companions arrived in Damascus.
A certain Ananias, a devout observer of the law and respected by all the Jews living there, came to me, approached me and said, "Saul, brother, come back and see." And at that moment I saw him. He added: "The God of our fathers appointed you to know his will, to see the Righteous One and to hear a voice from his mouth, because you will witness before all men of what you saw and heard. And now, why wait? Arise, be baptized and cleansed of your sins, calling on his name "."

Word of God


(Acts 9.1-22 - You will be told what you do) The Acts of the Apostles

In those days, Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, in order to be allowed to bring them bound to Jerusalem that he had found all those men and women belonging to this path.
It happened, while he was traveling and was approaching Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven, wrapped it, and fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him: "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?". Rispose: «Chi sei, o Signore?». Ed egli: «Io sono Gesù, che tu perséguiti! Ma tu àlzati ed entra nella città e ti sarà detto ciò che devi fare».
Gli uomini che facevano il cammino con lui si erano fermati ammutoliti, sentendo la voce, ma non vedendo nessuno. Saulo allora si alzò da terra, ma, aperti gli occhi, non vedeva nulla. Così, guidandolo per mano, lo condussero a Damasco. Per tre giorni rimase cieco e non prese né cibo né bevanda.
C’era a Damasco un discepolo di nome Ananìa. Il Signore in una visione gli disse: «Ananìa!». Rispose: «Eccomi, Signore!». E il Signore a lui: «Su, va’ nella strada chiamata Straight and look at the house of Judah a man who named Saul of Tarsus, and behold, he is praying, and saw in a vision a man named Ananias come and impose on their hands because they regain their sight. " Ananias answered, "Sir, about this man I have heard from many how bad he has done to your saints in Jerusalem. Also, here he has the permission of the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name. " But the Lord said, 'Go, for he is the instrument that I chose for me, that it may bear my name before the nations, and kings and the sons of Israel, and I will show him how much he must suffer for my name! " .
Then Ananias went, entrò nella casa, gli impose le mani e disse: «Saulo, fratello, mi ha mandato a te il Signore, quel Gesù che ti è apparso sulla strada che percorrevi, perché tu riacquisti la vista e sia colmato di Spirito Santo». E subito gli caddero dagli occhi come delle squame e recuperò la vista. Si alzò e venne battezzato, poi prese cibo e le forze gli ritornarono.
Rimase alcuni giorni insieme ai discepoli che erano a Damasco, e subito nelle sinagoghe annunciava che Gesù è il Figlio di Dio. E tutti quelli che lo ascoltavano si meravigliavano e dicevano: «Non è lui che a Gerusalemme infieriva contro quelli che invocavano questo nome ed era venuto qui precisamente per condurli in catene ai capi dei sacerdoti?».
Saulo frattanto si rinfrancava sempre di più e gettava confusione tra i Giudei residenti a Damasco, dimostrando che Gesù è il Cristo.

Parola di Dio

Salmo responsoriale
Sal 116

Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.
all Gentiles, praise the Lord, all peoples
, sing his praise.

Strong is his love for us
and faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.

Gospel Acclamation (Jn 15:16)
Alleluia, alleluia.
I have chosen you, says the Lord, because

go and bear fruit, fruit that remains.

16.15-18 Go around the world and preach the Gospel.

+ From the Gospel according to Mark

At that time, [Jesus appeared to the Eleven] and said to them
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
These signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons, speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents and if they drink any poison, they will go against them, lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. " Word of the Lord

Prayer of the Faithful
The Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul testifies to the wonders that God's grace can do. Today we will pray to God the Father, because the Church and the world may be increasingly open to the demands of the gospel. Let us say together:
Lord, reveal the face of your Son.

O Lord, your Church is scattered throughout the world as the grains of wheat in the field: it is the sole bread together in the love of Christ. Let us pray: O Lord
Also today, the world needs the gospel: the light of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit will inspire and grab new apostles of the Gentiles. Let us pray: O Lord
, many people who hunger and thirst for you: the poor of faith, hope and charity in our community are the spirit of acceptance and renewal. Let us pray: O Lord
, many of our neighbors did not know you and love you: give us new enthusiasm for combining them with simplicity and mercy. Let us pray:
O Lord, our hearts are restless until they rest in you: help us to live intensely the desire for conversion. Let us pray for the preachers of the gospel
discouraged by difficulties.
For the Church of silence.

Father, doing wonders, answers our prayers and grant us the grace of conversion, to participate fully in the mission of your Son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer bids
Accept, O Lord, our sacrifice,
and makes' the Holy Spirit to enlighten your church
with the faith that inspired St. Paul
and he did missionary and apostle to the Gentiles.
through Christ our Lord.

Communion Antiphon
I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave himself for me. (Gal 2:20)

"Go into all the world,
preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15)

Prayer after Communion
The sacrament we have received,
Lord our God communicates to us

the ardor of charity ' Apostle Paul, who wore his heart

solicitude for all Churches.
through Christ our Lord.


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