Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thrush Mouth Symptoms

elephant walk

Darius I met some time ago , before leaving for Berlin, the city where he currently lives. Dario is a photographer who has intrigued me from the beginning, I like his style. I do not understand much about photography, but I think his works are appreciated by many people more experienced than me in the field.
Dario is a traveler, a quality that I feel fantastic to live an exciting life.
speak with him about his blog "elephant walk"

When was the blog and why?

I started this blog a year ago (March 2010) and had multiple needs. First of all I had at that time decided to move, to change the city (I now live in Berlin) and I started to think that the experiences accumulated during my travels would be helpful to other travelers.
I am a traveler and a photographer to travel and why people often ask me advice, accommodation, how to solve problems and sometimes you try to share experiences with gli altri viaggiatori. Principalmente parlo di viaggi, mai di vacanze, una dovuta distinzione tra chi va per rilassarsi e chi invece interpreta il viaggio come una sfida, un'avventura, una voglia di mettersi in gioco, di provare cose nuove, di cercare, indagare, dell'esser cusiosi fino allo sfinimento. Quindi ho iniziato a raccogliere un po' di esperienze e le ho collegate insieme, dal come preparare uno zaino a con chi partire, dove andare, come affrontare le difficoltà comuni di chi parte per viaggi lunghi e sa che ogni dettaglio può essere importante e lo sarà quando saremo lì e avremo sbagliato qualcosa.
Non credo di poter 'insegnare' a viaggiare, non nel mondo che sento mio, perchè è molto personale e alcune persone they consider it excessive, too strict, very tiring. But surely I could, over time, noted that some councils also benefited those who travel deals in a more relaxed and often there are things which one does not think because she do not have direct experience and has no memory of a situation similar comparison ( one in all, the idea of \u200b\u200barriving in a city halfway around the world in a new country, new culture, new language and new odors, and get in the middle of the night because the air is more economical. And there is aware of what to expect once you leave the airport - almost always wrap of modernity, of Western society, security).
Now the blog has changed funzione. Trasferirsi vuol dire concentrare le proprie forze sull'accumulare esperienze nuove in un posto che chiami CASA. Berlino è una città semplice e accogliente, ma complessa nel suo insieme. E piano piano cerco, con molta calma, di riflettere e destreggiarmi tra le sue anime e cercare di condividere qualcosa con gli altri. Ci sono pochi aspetti giornalieri e personali, più riflessioni d'insieme.

Elefante in cammino... cosa significa?

Il significato è nascosto nel 'manifesto' del mio blog, sono un amante della cultura Buddhista tibetana (non sono religiosamente coinvolto, ma psicologicamente ed emotivamente si) e in uno dei testi sacri there is a passage about elephants: "Beloved of attention, with his mind well protected, you can remove yourself from any difficult situation, as the elephant tethered in the mud", the elephants are given many gifts, patience, patience, strength, and methodical. And for me, life and travel must be addressed in this spirit.

Coltrinaux The idea of \u200b\u200bblogs to advertise on his blog? is crazy?

We all collections some more than others. Some people make lists like me who earn thousands of bookmarks to interesting sites, who writes endless lists of things I would like to do, things that will make tomorrow, places to see. The network itself is a large container, a big list, as are the search engines, as are the batteries of sites. And a blog that shifts the focus from large to small, lighting bulbs, can only be a good way for those who did not know, for those who are lazy, for those who want to be guided in their choices, to arrive at something new (for him).


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