Sweet dreams? no, red dreams!
Serena l'ho conosciuta in "terre straniere", è solo un amica prima che qualcuno faccia battute! Conosciuta in terre straniere ma toscana,
(a questo punto, credo DOC!)
Come tanti scrive sul suo blog, "il pezzo" che troverete alla fine di questa intervista è frutto della Serena.( Come il titolo di questo post ) Ne ho scelto uno che mi ha fatto particolarmente ridere, per via della sua imparzialità!!!
1) Quando nasce e perchè il blog?
Il blog nasce nel gennaio 2008, un mese prima di partire per l'Erasmus a Lisbona. Pensavo ad uno strumento con cui familiarizzare prima di partire, in modo che una volta arrivata là fosse già avviato e conosciuto tra i miei familiari ed amici, e potesse quindi fungere da gazzettino quasi giornaliero sulle vicende lisboete. To put it simply, I did not want to call every day to tell everyone to word for word what I was doing, I simplified with the blog!
2) When I write becomes a necessity, or?
the subtitle of my blog, "when writing becomes a necessity," reflects what for me is the writing: in addition to a useful tool to communicate, even an outlet and a sort of diary enlarged. When I created the blog so I really like writing and make some of my thoughts are not lost, besides the fact that he could become a collector of everything that interested me: link, songs, videos, quotes, etc..
3) The idea of Coltrinaux to advertise the blog on his blog? is crazy?
No, you're not mad because you want to publish parts of other blogs, you're crazy and that's it! Ahahahaha! Taken from
Blog http://www.mercoledis.blogspot.com/
Sweet dreams? no, red dreams!
sleep Wednesday night was accompanied by a nice dream, which made waking up less hard.
We are in full-term elections and the electoral campaign is becoming increasingly fierce and ruthless. Talking with some friends Wednesday is persuaded to vote in spite of the PDL, because this would be a strategic move to go to the ballot two candidates from opposing factions without an election directed in the first round (on Wednesday that the friends are all penniless tellers willing to work for the second round?).
when voting, then, is found Wednesday in the privacy of a cabin having to put a sign up for a party that is not at all pleasing.
NOTE: The ballot papers of this dream projected into the future are filled with advertisements. Next to the names of the various parties there are many different brands and advertising to businesses and shops. If in the future someone will propose party funding through advertising on a ballot paper to know that the idea is mine en vindicate the intellectual property.
We continue with the dream. Well Wednesday is gripped by guilt and moral questions arise with regard to its political ideology. Do you think that you think back, with a pencil increasingly hesitant to draw an X on the square of the PDL, the embattled Wednesday out impassioned cries from the cabin and the tellers: "Well, you can find out where the hell are the hammer and sickle on this board? !
a Moral: never vote for strange political calculations.
Moral 2: PDL never vote in general.
Moral 3: red sky at night time hopefully.
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