Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Congratulation For The New Baby In Arabic


Può un tweet cambiarti la giornata? Sì, se sei un appassionato di anime e adori lo Studio Ghibli . Il tweet riprodotto qui, infatti, il cui autore è Hiroo Otaka (un giornalista giapponese che si occupa di cinema) annuncia in anteprima quello che tutti i fan Ghibli aspettavano con ansia: un nuovo film Ghibli ! Da un po' girava la voce che il 15 dicembre ci sarebbe stato un annuncio importante e in tanti si aspettavano la buona novella di un seguito di Porco rosso . Invece, dal tweet di Hiroo Otaka is understood that the work which will be released next summer in Japan will be directed by Goro Miyazaki , son of Hayao and author of Gedo Senki , released in Italy under the title of Tales from Earthsea (taken freely from the beautiful saga of Ursula K. Le Guin). Also this time Goru not lead to the big screen an original story, but the manga Chizuru Takahashi and Tetsuro Sayama , Kokuriko Kara-Zaka, released for the first time in the pages of the monthly shōjo (or manga for girls) Nakayoshi in 1980 and reissued this summer by the publishing industry in the Studio Ghibli collaboration with Kadokawa Group Publishing with a lot of tape reading "Recommended by Hayao Miyazaki"
The story is set in 1963, a year before the Tokyo Olympics) and follows the daily life of a student named Komatsuzaki and its becoming an adult. A typical story from Ghibli, in short, that will particularly please those who, like me, loves his heroines.
are working and the screenplay adaptation Hayao Miyazaki Keiko Niwa and , author of Gedo Senki ; the music (essential component of a soul) will be composed of Satoshi Takebe.

For more info: Online Ghibli
The original news is here : Anime News Network
Reported by on Twitter: @ EverythingAnime

recall, then , which was released in July another Ghibli film, Kari- gurashi No Arrietti , Hiromasa Yonebayashi debut, former animator for other films of the study, including Away and Ponyo . Adapted from the novel The Borrowers by Mary Norton and project Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata (also referred expects a new job) has long dreamed, the film was presented at the last film festival in Rome, right in the homage to the Ghibli, and bought by Lucky Red, but do not yet know anything about a possible output in the hall.

more info: Anime News Network
card on the website of the Rome festival : Kari- gurashi No Arrietti Rome
film's official website (Japanese only) : Official Site Karigurashi


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