Friday, December 31, 2010 Coffee Set


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What is 2011?

È stato prorogato al 31 dicembre 2011 lo stato d'emergenza per la provincia dell'Aquila e gli altri comuni abruzzesi interessati dal sisma del 6 aprile 2009. Lo rende noto un comunicato della Structure for emergency management. The decree on the extension was approved on December 17 last year by the Council of Ministers. There is satisfaction of the Commissioner for reconstruction, Gianni Chiodi, already in a note earlier this month had been the need for a suitable period of extension of emergency rule in order to continue to provide assistance to people affected by seismic events and to allow the completion of initiatives already scheduled for reconstruction. The decree is awaiting publication in the Official Journal. 29/12/2010 (Source: )

It 's been just over a year, the first time I was in L'Aquila, was Dec. 6, 2009, together with friends we went to see the progress of the "reconstruction"; Since then almost a dozen times I returned to the earthquake-stricken city to see, to film, to photograph, the situation of the city and its neighboring countries. I went back several times mainly to see what was happening, was amazing, I was more and more discovered new things, but one thing was clear from the very 'beginning, the problems, unlike the one which suggested the media were not many solved, in fact. In the meantime I went into the city of Abruzzo, meet people, I understand that some friendship and maybe, what happened to L'Aquila is not that "only" the tip of an iceberg of many problems that Italians and policy away from the citizens, when this 'data are not useful for the media propaganda.

The last time I was in the city of Abruzzo was the 20th of November, nineteen months after the earthquake, L'Aquila fell again to the streets to join the event called SOS L'Aquila Italy, "the long procession started from Piazza D'Armi, symbolic point: during the period of emergency hosted the tent city's largest post-earthquake Abruzzo. People from all over Italy have marched under one flag, the black-green, in the same name which began collecting signatures for the proposed law of popular initiative, finding himself at 'dusk in the city center Piazza D'man, the end point of the event.

I hope and believe that I will return again in L'Aquila in 2011, to see, to understand even more, to review those people I met and the local population in general who are fighting every day with dignity, for to restart the city and its neighbors. For

those who want to learn more about the proposed law of popular initiative, visit the website:

Below is the video from the site , made up of two .. not let me comment on them that know them .. Greetings to you guys.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Where To Find All Of Papers In Poptropica

"On the Way" The diocese's monthly online. Last number on page 1 of the Bishop's wishes for Christmas 2010 and New Year, with his paper: "Longing for Emmanuel S.

No way" The diocese's monthly online.
Latest Issue

on page 1 of the Bishop's wishes "Please Emmanuele "

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La Barca Listening Center: Welcome aboard

La Barca Listening Center: Welcome aboard
"We are delighted to introduce our new blog. Here you can find all the information about the activities of the center listening in ... "

Friday, December 24, 2010

Personalized Baby Shower Chapstick

Arianese Christmas Party on the billboard. User Rating:
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Feedback - From Us
Written by Monica De Benedetto - Press Office
With the musical " The nightmare before Christmas ", produced by young people of the City Centre" putipù by the Office for Combating Drug Addiction, held today, Saturday, December 18 at 20.30 at the Municipal Auditorium, the program officially starts the Christmas Arianese 2010 .
In fact there was already a preview yesterday at Library Mancini with a lesson on the psychologist's dream by Nunzio Lucarelli and 15 with the inauguration of the exhibition of local handicrafts at the exhibition hall of the Palace of the offices by the Centre for rehabilitation "Silent Workers of the Cross", which will remain open until 22 December.
But tomorrow, December 18th and Sunday 19th, there is also a live nativity scene on location Folgore Orneta Orneta by the Association of Ariano Irpino. It's always tomorrow, "Day of attractions" in Plebiscite Square from 17:30 to 22:00 Social Antenna by the City of Ariano Irpino.
Also in Old Town, Sunday, December 19 dalle 17:00 alle 21:00, “Natale tipico” con teatrino interattivo di pupazzi animati “La ciurma di Zio Armaduk”; karaoke per bambini; Swing Marching Band itinerante; zampognari itineranti, a cura del Consorzio Ariano Centro Storico e dell’Associazione L.A.I. (Liberi Artisti Irpini).
Lunedì 20  dicembre  alle ore 09:30 secondo appuntamento del “Natale in biblioteca” presso la “Manciniana” con il Cineforum sul brigantaggio rivolto alle scuole; e martedì 21 alle ore 17:30 il terzo appuntamento con la “Lezioni di storia: i Normanni fuori dal Regno”, a cura del prof. Giuseppe Perta dell'Università Suor Orsola Benincasa Naples ... (READ MORE)

Roots Are Lighter When I Die It

Valley Christmas 2010 Ariana, D. Gerardo De Paola has returned to the House of Father Christmas

beside V, Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, the embrace of light D. Gerardo

"The last enemy to be destroyed is death, because everything was under his feet
because God is in all " (A Cor. A.28D 15,26.27.) I remember him with affection and trepidation, the last visit, where together with the brother and sister-in at the bedside, staring, and stroking my hand, along with his father in silence rose to an intense prayer of gratitude: with simplicity, with its own unique style and luxury to leave a rich legacy of fine, the books he has written with love and depth of heart, for scholars called himself: is also associated with the story of diaconal community Ariano Irpino-Lacedonia.
He 's back to the House of the Father, dear D. Gerardo De Paola , pastor emeritus of the parish of St. Bartholomew the Apostle of the Valley (Av), surrounded by the affection of his family and accompanied by the prayer of the priests, friends and those who loved him.
D. Gerard, good man, a zealous pastor, scholar very thick in his eyes and his dignity in the suffering I saw the loving father who gave his life for his people, many of the faithful, generations of young people trained as a friend and accompanied along the path of his long ministry pastoral.

"Zino e. ..

Mystery" Mystery "of God reveals and gives himself to man, revealing his mystery, his plan of loving goodness from all eternity in Christ on behalf of all men "(Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 50).

Zino name dear to Gerald D., in memory of traditional brick family of origin, derived from that of the poetic paternal grandfather, Master Brick, whence =
Laterizino Zino.

We entrust him to the mercy of God the Mother of God, if we are saddened by the separation from loved ones and benefactors, comforts us the joy of the resurrection of souls Giusti, and 'this too the Lord's birth.
I send condolences and prayers for the dear D. Gerardo, our beloved Bishop John D'Alise , the diocesan and parish community who served and loved in joy and industry. Family members express gratitude for the loving care shows in recent years, renewing the condolences and continued prayers of thanksgiving for the gift of life and the priesthood of D. Gerard.
your brother deacon HIRPUSMEPHITIS

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Arianese ... Invitation to participate, rich appointment of events



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Christmas Arianese: appointments 23 December

Wednesday, December 22, 2010 20:55:31
intervened Councillors Mr. Raffaele Li Pizzi and Dino D'Amato.

We thank the City Administration, Mayor Antonio Dr. Mainiero who wanted to create in our shrine outstanding musical events.
Natale Arianese: gli appuntamenti del 23 dicembre
wish you a warm to the City di Ariano irpino, al Sindaco e all'Amministrazione Comunale da parte della comunità civile di Ariano Irpino.
G. Orsogna
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Appuntamento in biblioteca
Si ricorda anche alle 17.30 presso la Biblioteca "P.S.Mancini", ci sarà la presentazione del libro di Domenico Cipriano "Novembre: un salto al ricordo del terremoto dell´80". stampa questa news Rassegna cinematografica per i più giovani invia questa news ad un amico Per i più giovani, infine, appuntamento decisamente "alternativo" con la rassegna cinematografica dedicata al genere horror nell´Auditorium comunale a cura dell´Associazione cinematografica "L´Olmo Black "Ariano Irpino, at 22.30, again tomorrow, the screening of the documentary" Midnightmovies "on the phenomenon of midnight screenings and then the film" The Rocky Horror Pictures Show "by Jim Sharman. TOPICS:
; ,
Christmas Arianese

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Practical Guide To Software Licensing

S. Christmas Greetings

Maternity by Luca della Robbia, Church of Santa Felicita in Florence , Vestry

" 's Christmas every time you smile to a brother and handed him her hand, and every time you stay silent to listen to another, and every time you turn your back on principles as a space for persons ° every time you hope to those who suffer, and every time humbly know your limits and your weaknesses. 's Christmas every time you allow the Lord to love others through you ...".

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Christmas and a Happy Year 2011

Wishing you well, peace and joy in the Lord!
your brother John Deacon

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Nuovo    - Merry Christmas ad Happy New Year - 
Gezuar Vitin e Ri -  Per shume vjet gezuar – 
Felice Nadividad – 

Bonne Noel .


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Congratulation For The New Baby In Arabic


Può un tweet cambiarti la giornata? Sì, se sei un appassionato di anime e adori lo Studio Ghibli . Il tweet riprodotto qui, infatti, il cui autore è Hiroo Otaka (un giornalista giapponese che si occupa di cinema) annuncia in anteprima quello che tutti i fan Ghibli aspettavano con ansia: un nuovo film Ghibli ! Da un po' girava la voce che il 15 dicembre ci sarebbe stato un annuncio importante e in tanti si aspettavano la buona novella di un seguito di Porco rosso . Invece, dal tweet di Hiroo Otaka is understood that the work which will be released next summer in Japan will be directed by Goro Miyazaki , son of Hayao and author of Gedo Senki , released in Italy under the title of Tales from Earthsea (taken freely from the beautiful saga of Ursula K. Le Guin). Also this time Goru not lead to the big screen an original story, but the manga Chizuru Takahashi and Tetsuro Sayama , Kokuriko Kara-Zaka, released for the first time in the pages of the monthly shōjo (or manga for girls) Nakayoshi in 1980 and reissued this summer by the publishing industry in the Studio Ghibli collaboration with Kadokawa Group Publishing with a lot of tape reading "Recommended by Hayao Miyazaki"
The story is set in 1963, a year before the Tokyo Olympics) and follows the daily life of a student named Komatsuzaki and its becoming an adult. A typical story from Ghibli, in short, that will particularly please those who, like me, loves his heroines.
are working and the screenplay adaptation Hayao Miyazaki Keiko Niwa and , author of Gedo Senki ; the music (essential component of a soul) will be composed of Satoshi Takebe.

For more info: Online Ghibli
The original news is here : Anime News Network
Reported by on Twitter: @ EverythingAnime

recall, then , which was released in July another Ghibli film, Kari- gurashi No Arrietti , Hiromasa Yonebayashi debut, former animator for other films of the study, including Away and Ponyo . Adapted from the novel The Borrowers by Mary Norton and project Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata (also referred expects a new job) has long dreamed, the film was presented at the last film festival in Rome, right in the homage to the Ghibli, and bought by Lucky Red, but do not yet know anything about a possible output in the hall.

more info: Anime News Network
card on the website of the Rome festival : Kari- gurashi No Arrietti Rome
film's official website (Japanese only) : Official Site Karigurashi

How Much To Sell A New License

NATIVITÀ 2.0 tells this story well. and you, now, how to tell?

kindly reported on Twitter by @ lucasartoni

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ikusa Otome Suvia Watch


in the exhibit: " diese Vorbereitung der ber eitschaft-des sich offen-haltens oder das für die Ankunft des Gottes ausbleiben ", Städtische Galerie Nordhorn 2007