A video produced by the Press Asl Roma F
The FIALS opposes the closing of the Padre Pio di Bracciano no ifs, ands or buts!
Territorial Secretary FIALS ASL RM F
Plan Polverini penalizes citizens and impoverishes the mortifying operators of private land a civil service is essential and requires citizens to a commuting for medical care. 50 km of winding roads, dangerous and often icy. No, No! We do not agree!
In reference to the data reported in Decree 80 / Polverini Annex B states that:
the ER dell’Ospedale Padre Pio di Bracciano il numero di medici per turno h/24 è quasi sempre di 1 unità e spesso la presenza del personale infermieristico è insufficiente tanto da dover chiudere il triage ;L’ASP Lazio nel 2008 resoconta l’attività dell’Ospedale di Bracciano su 142 posti letto mai avuti, dagli anni 2000 con la scusa di ristrutturazione dei reparti noi dal 2008 abbiamo avuto disponibili tra i 52 e 63 posti letto ordinari così distribuiti a cui vanno aggiunti 10 posti letto di day hospital
che corrispondono al 28% di quelli disponibili sul territorio della ASL RM F.
Non essendo l’ospedale in grado di sostenere la domanda di shelter that was received from the emergency room, patients informed, upon admission of 'inability to ensure the structure of Bracciano assistance (4,767 requests for admission), which would have been diverted to structures unreachable by public transport and in particular to Civitavecchia , Acquapendente etc. have chosen to opt for the "patient refusal" to travel independently to other structures more easily accessible as the San Filippo Blacks.
If we consider the emergency room over supply of beds there is a high confidence for the hospital district.
If every day on average, 55 people went to the emergency room how they could be hospitalized in a facility had to work with an average of 57 beds with 52 points minimum and maximum of 63? Therefore, the observations arising from a single statistical index contained in the plan are not, in fact distorts the reality of the hospital of Bracciano and the territory that has a catchment area, to 01/01/2009, to 52,731 units and the 01 / 01/2010 rose to 53,787 units and were not considered as the areas immediately adjacent Ladispoli, Cerveteri and Oriolo Romano ..
Regarding the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Padre Pio Bracciano like to clarify that by 2000 it blocks activity on several occasions - l’ultima e definitiva dal 2008 ad oggi, il Direttore del Dipartimento Materno Infantile e primario del Reparto Ostetricia di Civitavecchia in accordo con l’amministrazione della ASL ha disposto il blocco dei ricoveri nel Reparto di Ostetricia e Ginecologia di Bracciano obbligando con ordine scritto il personale di PS a convogliare l’utenza attraverso trasporto con autoambulanza esclusivamente presso l’Ospedale S. Paolo di Civitavecchia. Nonostante ciò le partorienti , che insistentemente si sono rivolte a Bracciano con la speranza di essere accolte, non avendo potuto ricevere assistenza presso il suddetto ospedale , nonostante il personale a tutt’oggi è assegnato ed è in servizio attivo nel reparto di Ostetricia and Gynecology, pregnant women did not like being transferred to the St. Paul of Civitavecchia, as is clear from the data ASP the passive mobility of the residents of District 106-F3 to external structures is approximately 100%. Therefore, the refusal of admission is in no way be attributed to a lack of confidence by the user, but lack of access to beds as well as imposed by the ASL F ROME. The
FIALS calls for an urgent meeting to Commissioner ad acta to avert the closure and call for an immediate revival of the Hospital of Padre Pio Bracciano ours, it is stated to Polverini, will not be a meeting / confrontation, but we want to present to the Governor of the Region of Lazio our plan to relaunch the hospital immediately feasible, and especially at ZERO cost . Retrace your steps is neither a defeat nor a weakness but a sign of great civilization and great intelligence.
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