Monday, October 25, 2010

Mugen Naruto Character

And someone said .. "The politics of ..."

A video produced by the "links" to Francesco Paolucci

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Wish Congratulations For Marriage


Official Site

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cheats Of Pokemon Deluge


I'm not crazy and I have not converted to pink, but this is a special occasion and you can even make an exception to the rule, changing some of your blog. In October, in fact, carries the 17th edition of the Pink Ribbon Campaign organized by LILT and visible on the site, dedicated to the prevention of breast cancer . launched the wonderful idea of \u200b\u200bpublishing, today October 18, on all the blog banner LILT (you can find a variety of formats here) or write a post for its support to the witness' initiative. Hence the idea of \u200b\u200bplaying with the general appearance of the oscilloscope blue, which one day becomes an oscilloscope pink!

Finally, remember that during the month of October, more than 390 points Prevention (clinics) LILT , Most of which are within the 106 provincial sections of the Italian League Against Cancer, will be available for visits and regular clinical breast instrumental .
For days and hours of the surgery LILT closer, which also make early detection screening and checks, you can call for information, the toll SOS LILT 800-998877 or visit the websites www. or where the events will also be published in various Italian cities during the month of October.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Having A Bikini Wax With Cystitis]


Route: F ă g ă ra ş -Bran-Sinaia-Bra ş ov

F ă g ă ra ş . Dopo una bella colazione a base di pane, formaggio, salame, insalata russa e altro ancora, partiamo alla volta di F ă g ă ra ş, dove sorg e una delle fortezze ( cetatea ) più grandi della Transilvania. Costruita nel XIV secolo, è stata poi rimaneggiata diverse volte, finché non has assumed its present appearance. The building houses a museum that tells the story and a library. As in many other museums in Romania, you can take pictures, but only or paying a surcharge on the ticket. Very beautiful costumes, the archaeological Paleoliti co, a collection of coins of different ages and medals of honor the p eriod Ceausescu. In the courtyard, a gallows. In the twentieth century, the fortress was used as a prison . In the nearby square, is an Orthodox church under construction with the golden domes. Compared to the size of the town, I feel great, absolutely disproportionate. In front of the yard, to a positive against Romania: public toilets. T anti present, sometimes paid sometimes not, as we do not require you to enter a bar and order something that you do not want to even have the excuse to use the toilet.

Bran. Along the road to Bran, we meet one of the usual fatal accidents. Quickly turn the car and take a side street, with deep potholes and stalls selling honey and shepherd's cheese. My stock pads against motion sickness is being sorely tested, but this allows us to cross a number of smaller villages that otherwise would not have seen. In many of these is the "neighborhood" of Gypsies, who live on the margins here and when you look out the window you refer - and rightly - an expression mixed with distrust and curiosity. I can not photograph them, I can not picture anyone on the street. I wonder how professional photographers do. I tried, but the violence seemed to be doing me blocked. How many before me, will be featured here and will treat these people like animals at the zoo?
We enter the province of Brasov. The campaign in this area is barren. Usual flocks. Cows, sheep and several horses. We pass close to several abandoned factories Ceausescu era. We are told that they are left to go to hell for this some high-level speculation, shady deals between party leaders and former politicians. I do not know if it's true, but the mistrust that reigns here against the political class is absolute. Several rivers, all very dirty and overflowing with waste. In the past, exploited to the bone for the production of electricity (which, however, at 7 pm and was off to bed, but that carousel) are now left to their fate of open dumps.
arrive in Bran, in southern Transylvania and Wallachia, where there's is one of the few manors of T ransilvania (contrary to popular belief, there are more These villages and fortified churches that ic Astell blocks) and probably the most visited tourist site in the country. What is Bran castle qualu nque: in fact, is said to have lived Vlad Tepe S the Impaler, known to history as Dracula. It is also clearly untrue, since the castle was for centuries the seat of garrisons that controlled the valley, built in the fourteenth century, when this part of Romania dominated the Anjou of Hungary. Just look at it, perched as it is on a peak, take g them narrow corridors, a glance out of the guard towers are visible from which all communication lines below to realizing it. But that does not matter. People come in droves. At the entrance of the castle many stalls frequented by tourists, that our Romanian hosts looks disgusted (stalls, not tourists) prohibited to buy anything. Do not resist and we beat a t-shirt with the v smile AMPIRE for @ duffogrup . The interior is really beautiful, decorated with some antique furniture dating from the early twentieth if century, when it became one of the residences of monarchs Romanians. Bear skins, game tables, tiled stoves and the complete works of D'Annunzio and finely bound. Here, too, recognize the lines of international nobility d'allora, sorta di mondo chiuso e globalizzato ante litteram. Il negozietto di sou venir del castello è un'accozzaglia di gadget turistici da manuale, quasi tutti incentrati sulla figura di Dracula. Sento una ragazza chiedere, in italiano, ai compagni di viaggio dove sarà possibile trovare un ristorante che faccia la pasta. Adocchio vicino alla cassa un mousepad di Dracula che sarebbe perfetto per un amico. La cassiera capisce l'italiano e un po' lo parlicchia, ma per evitare di essere intercettata dai connazionali in astinenza da carboidrati, mi esprimo in inglese. Il fidanzato mi guarda stranito, ti spiego dopo, dicono le mie eloquenti occhiate.
Sono le 3 passate e in effetti ho fame anch'io. We have grown accustomed to the customs of the place. We find a restaurant. Preceded by a half glass of brandy ritual that serves to open the stomach (as if any were needed) a more hyper-caloric act consisting of layers of polenta, potatoes and goat cheese. This work is augmented by the inevitable sour cream. The wave of enthusiasm also take the cake. It's called papanasi or papanas and is a kind of fried dumplings, served with jam and (guess what '?) Sour cream. We are ready to leave for another mountain resort: Sinaia.

Sinaia. On the way lunch is its effect, and I tend to doze off, so sometimes I take the landscape. Climb. This is one of the most popular mountain resorts in the country, where even the fleeing inhabitants of Bucharest at the weekend. Indeed, there are many holiday homes and holiday tradition and a feeling that here is ancient. I read it on the guide the fortunes of the area dates back to the 800 when it was the summer seat of the court. In winter you can ski. Snow is scheduled for tomorrow, which is not hard to believe because there is just one step. We are just clothes, but the climate is dry, so stand up well. Souvenir stalls along the road, we will run away something for mom. The goal of our journey is the castle of Pele S, a residence with respect to which, if I believe the photos, the castles of Ludwig of Bavaria is an example of sobriety. Reference is made of glass, Orii, mirrors, carvings, stucco decorations precious. Luxury, in fact. Mica idiot Ceausescu to settle his personal residence in 1974. We get that it is the fourth and fifth. The castle closed at 5, normal hours for the museums here, but we do not shine for organization. I am very disappointed, until I find a kiosk selling sesame honey bars and delicious transparent plastic umbrellas. And I console myself. There you also will have to settle for what Wikipedia says .

Bra Ş ov. We feel a bit 'tested the loop, but now that we sin not to visit too fast this town surrounded by woods. Saxon Splendor, good shops, people relaxed strolling among the nineteenth-century buildings in the central square and perfectly restored. I buy a wool hat of a beautiful blue because the current climate is really sharp, near here soon people will come to ski. You can capture the wealth of a city first commercial and then industrial. Around the old town, the blocks (blocks) of working-class neighborhoods where, in 1987, a large workers' revolt against the regime was drowned in blood. It is time to return to the hut Cacova, which tomorrow and the second longest tour in Sibiu. I do a nap, wake me quando si arriva.

prima puntata
seconda puntata

Friday, October 8, 2010

Bumps Appearing After Permethrin Applied


Itinerario: Sebes-Sibiu-Cacova .

Sebes . Ci svegliamo tardi, ma non quanto avrei voluto. Per fortuna, il panorama che si vede dalla finestra della camera è molto bello. Facciamo un giro per il paese perché voglio vedere la chiesa evangelica che viene vantata dalla guida come una delle migliori chiese gotiche della Romania e anche la torre dove, nel '400 e rotti, uno studente di 16 anni si è rifugiato per difendersi dai turchi. Fatto prigioniero e portato a Istanbul, ne fuggirà diversi anni più tardi. Back in Germany, he later wrote of a "bestseller" of 400, just a text that spoke of Muslim customs. Church Biserica or, as we say here, is very beautiful. Unfortunately you can not go inside, as well as the tower. The idea that someone wants to visit a church for tourism here is still a bit 'strange. I suspect that as the concept is not entirely wrong. (On flickr but I found a nice photo set that also includes some images of the interior. can be seen HERE )
Any communication must be filtered through my father in law or its companion until it was because you could not talk enough in Budapest English quietly, not here. Thanks to the common Latin roots and words borrowed from many other European languages \u200b\u200b- especially the French - we understand enough of what we are told, but speaking is not an option. It's strange. Without a language to talk, you're as dumb. Child or Minus Habens March. Strong sense of displacement. Being in the company of a Rumanian girl and an Italian who lives here is understood for many years, arouse curiosity, but not much and this is definitely a good thing.

Before leaving the country at a time of Sibiu, a must for around the neighborhood of the Gypsies (no pictures here), that we do not live in a caravan, but in some homes' that are clearly pretentious imitation some of the rich architecture of the past difficult to decipher. Necessarily having to say something, I would opt for a Liberty acid. The companion of my father's Gypsies do not like at all, says they are genetically "unfit for work" and that the French have done well to send them back home, though she would have preferred to remain where they were. Why steal and exploit women and children and they are unwilling to do anything. He added that at the time of Ceausescu, when if you did not have a job the police will take you directly taken home to the factory, the gypsies were scavengers. They too, like all other citizens of Romania, Ceausescu feared. The richest gypsy wearing brightly colored silk robes and embroidered I see some on the street, are beautiful, although it would be more correct to say that I look at them trying to pretend anything because I do not like. Romanians and Gypsies walk along the same streets, but you can see very well that you hardly bear and expect from time to time have to fight.

Cacova . Before heading towards this remote village and perched on the slopes of a mountain, where the father has a cabin, through a village full of shepherds is called Tili Ş ca. Pastoralism in a country like Romania where 80% of the cheese that is consumed is made with sheep's milk, has always been a very profitable activity. This is shown the pastor's house. Traditional one or two floors, many of which are restored with little taste and interventions that should bear witness to the economic status of who owns and lives, and are simply a sign of the disease that is at home everywhere and that is wanting to look good with neighbors. Park on the doorstep, Audi, Mercedes, a couple of Lamborghini. We are told that one of the representatives of Romania to the European Parliament is a pastor. Very rich, seems to knows barely speak. One in comparison to which, if I believe my ears, our worst representatives make a good impression.
Come on then to visit a small but beautiful museum: that of Russian icons on glass Sibiel, located in Biserica a building next to the Orthodox. Moving example (at least for me) the result of popular devotion and of great piety, these icons painted exclusively by peasants recount three centuries of religion and customs of a people. Near the representations of saints, in fact, a riot of costumes, ornaments, traditional tools. A performance comparable only to that of the adjacent church of the eighteenth century S. Trinity, which separates it from a small cemetery. Inside, "protected" for over a century of lime and brought to light by the restoration of 1965, the magnificent frescoes of the 70 700, we are told by the same keeper of the museum, a nice lady with a handkerchief on his head who speaks very slowly, so that I can understand almost everything he says. To get to

Cacova , a mile of dirt road full of rocks and climbing. A few houses, a well, a magazine or a small shop, children playing in the street, old handkerchief on his head and long skirts down to her feet, the usual dogs. Finally, the house, mountain style. Bricks, wood, fireplace, porch, fruit trees. Usual things, the mountain is the same everywhere. It's two o'clock, but already you pull out the brandy. Exceptional cherry liqueur homemade little face. We are told of his neighbor, a young graduate who chose to be a shepherd and working like crazy all day. Crazy, she says the partner of my father in law. Those who have studied should not live like that, only with the animals. Crazy.

Along the road to Sibiu . About roads. The larger arteries are now of good quality compared to the stories I heard about ten years ago, well paved and fairly maintained, but in villages the situation is quite different. In many areas, the mud does not want to leave room for the asphalt, which is often spread when there is very bad and opens holes in even large ones, that have raised fears of being stranded forever in the middle of the road. Often, it happens to pass by small workshops, with a sign "vulcanized", where he adjusted the tire punctured. Another very common, even along the equivalent of our provincial and state roads, are the horse-drawn carts, usually a couple dogs (and many more total disarray) and the cows grazing by the roadside go up in the midst of the machines. Especially in the evening, when they come back from the door of the house alone, without anyone to guide it. The tolerance of alcohol consumption to drive is zero, but not many people seem to care.

Sibiu. What can I say? Wonderful city, which is returning to its former glory thanks to the restoration of the last anni. La prima volta che ne ho sentito parlare è stato quando il principe Carlo di Inghilterra è venuto a visitarla e se ne è così innamorato da promuoverne la rinascita, favorita anche dal fatto che la città è stata capitale europea della cultura nel 2007. Dato che le cose da vedere sono tante e ci torneremo venerdì, mi tengo la descrizione per la quarta puntata.

Capitolo a parte anche sulla cena e su quanto stiamo mangiando qui.
Domani ci attende una lunga giornata, in giro per castelli, fra cui quello di Dracula!

prima puntata
terza puntata

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kate Gosselin In Bathing Suit

Hospital Bracciano and the "resistance" health

A video produced by the Press Asl Roma F

The FIALS opposes the closing of the Padre Pio di Bracciano no ifs, ands or buts!


Territorial Secretary FIALS ASL RM F

Plan Polverini penalizes citizens and impoverishes the mortifying operators of private land a civil service is essential and requires citizens to a commuting for medical care. 50 km of winding roads, dangerous and often icy. No, No! We do not agree!
In reference to the data reported in Decree 80 / Polverini Annex B states that:
the ER dell’Ospedale Padre Pio di Bracciano il numero di medici per turno h/24 è quasi sempre di 1 unità e spesso la presenza del personale infermieristico è insufficiente tanto da dover chiudere il triage ;L’ASP Lazio nel 2008 resoconta l’attività dell’Ospedale di Bracciano su 142 posti letto mai avuti, dagli anni 2000 con la scusa di ristrutturazione dei reparti noi dal 2008 abbiamo avuto disponibili tra i 52 e 63 posti letto ordinari così distribuiti a cui vanno aggiunti 10 posti letto di day hospital

che corrispondono al 28% di quelli disponibili sul territorio della ASL RM F.
Non essendo l’ospedale in grado di sostenere la domanda di shelter that was received from the emergency room, patients informed, upon admission of 'inability to ensure the structure of Bracciano assistance (4,767 requests for admission), which would have been diverted to structures unreachable by public transport and in particular to Civitavecchia , Acquapendente etc. have chosen to opt for the "patient refusal" to travel independently to other structures more easily accessible as the San Filippo Blacks.
If we consider the emergency room over supply of beds there is a high confidence for the hospital district.
If every day on average, 55 people went to the emergency room how they could be hospitalized in a facility had to work with an average of 57 beds with 52 points minimum and maximum of 63? Therefore, the observations arising from a single statistical index contained in the plan are not, in fact distorts the reality of the hospital of Bracciano and the territory that has a catchment area, to 01/01/2009, to 52,731 units and the 01 / 01/2010 rose to 53,787 units and were not considered as the areas immediately adjacent Ladispoli, Cerveteri and Oriolo Romano ..
Regarding the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Padre Pio Bracciano like to clarify that by 2000 it blocks activity on several occasions - l’ultima e definitiva dal 2008 ad oggi, il Direttore del Dipartimento Materno Infantile e primario del Reparto Ostetricia di Civitavecchia in accordo con l’amministrazione della ASL ha disposto il blocco dei ricoveri nel Reparto di Ostetricia e Ginecologia di Bracciano obbligando con ordine scritto il personale di PS a convogliare l’utenza attraverso trasporto con autoambulanza esclusivamente presso l’Ospedale S. Paolo di Civitavecchia. Nonostante ciò le partorienti , che insistentemente si sono rivolte a Bracciano con la speranza di essere accolte, non avendo potuto ricevere assistenza presso il suddetto ospedale , nonostante il personale a tutt’oggi è assegnato ed è in servizio attivo nel reparto di Ostetricia and Gynecology, pregnant women did not like being transferred to the St. Paul of Civitavecchia, as is clear from the data ASP the passive mobility of the residents of District 106-F3 to external structures is approximately 100%. Therefore, the refusal of admission is in no way be attributed to a lack of confidence by the user, but lack of access to beds as well as imposed by the ASL F ROME. The
FIALS calls for an urgent meeting to Commissioner ad acta to avert the closure and call for an immediate revival of the Hospital of Padre Pio Bracciano ours, it is stated to Polverini, will not be a meeting / confrontation, but we want to present to the Governor of the Region of Lazio our plan to relaunch the hospital immediately feasible, and especially at ZERO cost . Retrace your steps is neither a defeat nor a weakness but a sign of great civilization and great intelligence.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Raquel Darrian Free Movie


Itinerario: provincia di Venezia-Slovenia-lago Balaton-Budapest-Szeged-Sebes

Tasso di umidità al 98%. Si parte. Siamo in 4: io, il mio fidanzato, suo padre e la compagna di lui.

Slovenia . Una specie di Austria piena di autogrill e di mucche al pascolo.

Lago Balaton . Piove. Tutti i colori si mescolano. Ci fermiamo in una località turistica molto frequentata dai tedeschi. Sarà per questo che la tipica casa ungherese di campagna assume un gusto crucco che conferisce al luogo un'aria da paesello di Hansel e Gretel. Probabilmente, in estate è piacevole, ma oggi è deserta. Più triste e desolante di un luna park abbandonato. We do not see a soul, not even in little stations railway around the lake. It occurs to me that now I understand why the Germans go crazy for our pearls on the Adriatic. A second later, I regret having thought. The lake is huge, the other side does not even see. It seems to be at sea, but a lifeless sea.

Budapest. The periphery is the same as any large city, an endless succession of department stores with familiar brands names. Ikea, Decathlon, Tezenis, Mediaworld, Auchan. Budapest seems to me the Friuli Europe and a map of global consumption, without interruption. To get to the heart of the city attraversiamo uno dei ponti sul Danubio. Che non è blu, e già si sapeva. Piove. A dirotto, piove. E noi siamo senza ombrello. Ci laviamo da capo a piedi e riusciamo a vedere pochissimo della città, che mi piace lo stesso moltissimo. Alla fine, decidiamo di girare un po' in macchina, per cui fotografo i palazzi dal basso. A Budapest ci sono tante librerie e locali. Col wi-fi. Ovunque ti giri, un McDonald. Stremati, dirigiamo l'auto verso la Romania. Dobbiamo decidere dove dormire, dato che non sappiamo bene fino a che ora ci si possa registrare in albergo. Preoccupata per la cena, mi informo e mi viene spiegato che da quelle parti nei ristoranti si mangia a ogni ora. Il mio paese ideale.

Szeged . Mangiamo. Informazione di servizio: se vi capita di fermarvi in un ristorante da queste parti (ma scopro che in Romania è uguale) e chiedete un contorno ricordate che vi verrà servito SOTTO il piatto che accompagna. Esempio preso dalla realtà: se prendete per secondo una cotoletta e come contorno patate al burro e prezzemolo sappiate che la prima verrà adagiata sulle seconde, nello stesso piatto. Il che può andare bene, dipende dagli abbinamenti, però.

Da Szeged a Deva . Il buio è più buio che in Italia, perché ai bordi dell'autostrada e anche in lontananza si vedono poche luci. Qualcuno dorme. Io mi chiedo se i miei gatti, a casa da soli e in balia delle their mutual antipathies, feel our absence. We met a fatal accident, poor, everything stopped. We remain firm over an hour. The Gentlemen Drivers agree that, due to the forced stop, you better go to your destination, which is the house of my father. I do not decide anything, but trust me, I continue to sleep peacefully under the blanket of batteries. Deva, from which we divide a hundred miles that are all a curve, for the uninitiated is the city where the headquarters of the most famous and hard school of gymnastics in Romania (communist and post). Do you remember Nadia Comaneci?

Sebes. I am 5 am, we collapse in bed. A brief tour of the house, but not so short not to make me realize that the father was rebuilt here a new, larger version of his Italian home. Mixture of bitterness and tenderness that only middle-aged men can inspire.

second episode
third episode