Friday, September 17, 2010

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A new business in L'Aquila

Sunday, September 12, 2010, L'Aquila

"There ' is a municipal plan for small local traders, who can reopen, perhaps risking without authorization. " It is hoped that a businessman in the area, I ask him more 'times if he wants to be filmed by the camera for a brief video interview.
not feel like it, then it remains for me to continue this chat anonymously.
She explains that the municipality and the region of Abruzzo, blame on the reconstruction of the city and what we ask for medium and small businesses in the area, a plan of organization of commercial activities on the soil of the city devastated by the earthquake.
The trader added that more 'times have met with local institutions, bringing different proposals on a possible organizational level stores, to put it short, and where to put what you put on, nothing. Each does what he can, who can open or reopen the business without official authorization of the municipality or any institution of the place.
be true all that I said this in an anonymous trader?
It 'amazing to see how in the historic center (open), where the sides is almost everywhere the red zone, several bars are active. A brief should start a restaurant business.
I'm glad, I see a little life in the old town, at least for what remains viable and accessible.
sometimes I wonder, who will use the bars and restaurants, L'Aquila, Abruzzi's?
Not really, it's Sunday, there are many tourists from other regions, it seems clear: it
sta sviluppando un turismo specifico, "un turismo delle macerie".
E' formato da persone curiose, spesso accompagnati da pulman organizzati da tutta Italia; vedono le macerie, qualcuno sorride facendosi fotografare, mentre qualche cartello appeso alle transenne che dividono i turisti dalla tragedia chiede rispetto.
"Non ridete qui davanti, qui c'è stato il dolore", lo ha scritto un cittadino aquilano.

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