Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sade Biracial -de -marat -marquis

Esa Srl, is it? A blog

a deficit caused by an excessive size of the corporate structure and an excessive burden of reliable service. Think of a compensation of losses would be too burdensome. This is the essence of the idea that the majority of the 11 councilors last night (during the vote, there was the abandonment of the classroom most of the leaders of the movement Mpa) November 24, 2010, voted for the settlement of 'ESA Srl, during the city council dedicated to this specific point. Deputy Mayor Stephen Paolessi at the opening of the City Council has expressed its views in its report, how long-established in the public sector, like the private, the necessity of achieving the objectives of efficiency, effectiveness and economy in ' with the management of public companies. Paolessi stated as a new reference model to be adopted is that of management by results and not to act, by an administration that wants to be truly modern and relevant European standards.

But what is the history of ESA Srl Convenga and why the common liquids?

Paolessi Deputy Mayor, said in his memorandum that the company Esa Srl company the sole member of the City of Bracciano Lake, was established following the decision of Council No. 39 of 21/12/2005, the share capital € 10,000.00 fully subscribed by the sole member, but almost immediately appeared in major financial-economic problems, chiefly due to an excessive size of the corporate structure and the excessive burden of reliable service. The Municipality, in order to remedy the weaknesses found has taken steps to reduce fixed costs by replacing the Board of Directors and Board of Auditors with the Managing and the only one auditor, then continued in that work of reorganization of services to make them more efficient and cheaper already initiated by the Prefectural Commissioner that resolution No. 22 of 27/02/2009, the Company has withdrawn the custody of Esa maintenance services of heritage and cemetery, returning to the direct management of the City. Paolessi explains that these measures were not sufficient and therefore improve the efficiency and effectiveness of urban hygiene services become too costly, it was decided to withdraw the contract with the soc. ESA Ltd (Resolution of the City Council No. 31 of 11.19.2009), starting the process of dialogue competitivo per la scelta del nuovo gestore. Dal Vice sindaco è stato poi comunicato al Consiglio Comunale che la commissione di gara ha ultimato le procedure di aggiudicazione dell’appalto e che la soc. CNS è risultata aggiudicataria, ma nonostante l’adozione di queste misure, il perdurare della non florida situazione economico-finanziaria della ESA srl, che si trova attualmente nelle condizioni di cui all’articolo 2482-ter del codice civile, ha indotto l’amministratore a convocare l’assemblea dei soci per l’adozione dei provvedimenti conseguenti ex art. 2484 comma 4 del c.c.. Convocazione che conseguentemente, ha chiamato l’assemblea a esprimersi su un percorso e sulle soluzioni da intraprendere in the current situation. Paolessi always says like you can not proceed to cover the losses of the company and the replenishment of capital, authorizing the Mayor Pro Tempore to participate in the Extraordinary Resolution to Settlement in accordance with the rules laid down by the Civil Code in relating to limited liability companies.

I think the situation is not known to many citizens anguillarini, call on the Deputy Mayor Stephen Paolessi and municipal administration, a few questions, useful to understand the whole story, hoping to receive exhaustive answers. You could also think of organizzare un’assemblea cittadina pubblica ad hoc, per spiegare l’intera vicenda dell’Esa Srl.

1)Si dice che quasi da subito sono apparse importanti problematiche economico e finanziarie, dovute essenzialmente a un sovradimensionamento della struttura societaria e alla eccessiva onerosità dei servizi affidati. Quali sono state le cause del sovradimensionamento nella struttura societaria? Perché i servizi affidati, (quali sono?) sono troppo onerosi e quanto costano?

2) Il Comune, al fine di porre rimedio alle criticità noted, has taken steps to reduce fixed costs by replacing the Board of Directors and Board of Auditors with the Chief Auditor and the single has withdrawn the custody of the Company Esa maintenance services of heritage and cemetery, returning to the management direct the City. What were and how "cost" fixed costs first (and subsequently after) the "reduction" with the Chief Auditor one and only?

3) It is declared that these measures were not sufficient and therefore improve the efficiency and effectiveness of service urban sanitation become too costly, it was decided to withdraw the contract with the soc. ESA Ltd (Resolution of the City Council No. 31 of 11.19.2009), starting the procedure of competitive dialogue for choosing the new manager. What were the criteria used for choosing the new manager?

4) The adjudication committee has completed the procedures for awarding the contract and that the soc. CNS has been awarded, but despite the adoption of these measures, the continued flourishing of non-financial position of ESA Inc., which is currently under the conditions of Article 2482-ter of the Civil Code, has led l’amministratore a convocare l’assemblea dei soci per l’adozione dei provvedimenti conseguenti ex art. 2484 comma 4 del c.c.. Quali sono i provvedimenti conseguenti ex art. 2484 comma 4 del c.c.?

5) Pensare a un ripianamento delle perdite dell’Esa Srl sarebbe troppo gravoso. A quanto ammontano le perdite?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Are Red Dot Sights Legal In California


gladly point out that beautiful and original initiative of the Friends 'Association S / towns of Trieste : Thursday, November 18 is introduced to the practice of "suspended coffee" in the bars of Trieste with the support of Illy coffee.
Where does the' term "suspended coffee? In the bars of Naples, when a person was particularly happy because he had something to celebrate or because they had started the day well, drank a cup of coffee and two paid for those who would come later and could not afford it. He was offered a cup of coffee .... humanity. From time to time someone looked out the door and asked if there was "an outstanding coffee .... and often received in exchange in addition to coffee even a smile.
Even in Trieste, you can now do the same thing. Who feels it can offer a cup of coffee to those who come after. And if you want a coffee but can not pay, you can find one given by the person who first went there.

This initiative is linked to
NETWORK FESTIVAL DEL CAFFE 'SUSPENDED , which brings together festival as S / country-events on the theme of migration Trieste, Riaceinfestival , Lampedusainfestival , Valsusa Filmfest , Festival Human Rights Film of Naples, Film Festival Landscape of Polizzi Generosa in Sicily, and Marina Café Noir - Festival of Literature Applied of Cagliari. The network was established in order to provide free cultural spaces, articulated, with a focus on the distribution of documentaries, as you can offer a cup of coffee to a stranger, networking, distributing information and evidence in the most remote, with a spirit of solidarity reminiscent of "coffee outstanding.

For now, you can find and offer a "coffee suspended" in the following bars in Trieste: Café Teatro Miela (Piazza Duca degli abuzz 3), Bar Cavour (Cavour 3), Bar X (via Coroneo 11), BarFerrari (via S. Nicolò, 18), Buffet from Siora Rosa (Square Ortis 3), Caffé Trieste (Via Ghega 19 / B), Bar Buffet Voltolina ( Viale XX Settembre, 18).

To Read more about the subjects that make up the network:

How Long Can Croquembouche Last In Fridge


Today there are social networks for everything to catch up with old classmates and friends to share information quickly, to build professional community, share photos, music, movies, meeting new people. There's even one where you can share your dreams! ( look here to find more curious ) Places where people and organizations gather around a common interest, on the basis of geographical location or language of belonging. There's something for every taste, in short. It can be said that social media are an integral part (and increasingly will be) the contemporary life. But what is often forgotten is that, in response to the need of natural sociability of human beings are born with him, even if they have not always had the technology available today. To fill this "vacuum of historical memory", Skloog created and made available on his blog a timeline that shows the evolution of social media, starting ... from 550 BC and the first known post ( Wikipedia , however, predates 4000 BC and moves the source in China). Deals with the centuries that separate quickly by other innovations that date closer, as the invention of email in 1966, but it still represents a good starting point for those who had desire to learn the "long history" of human sociality. Kindly
reported on Twitter by @ vincos

History of Social Media

Click to access the site Skloog and enlarge.

's blog Skloog is
To learn more about the history of mail , Wikipedia entry dedicated: / wiki / Storia_della_posta
On history of telecommunications, other wiki page:
The last 20 years of online communications in a 3-minute video: = PuebaqkEumU

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tattoo Genital Gallery


Krzysztof Komeda - MUZYCZNE Ś CIE Z Z KI YCI
( Krzysztof Komeda - Soundtrack for a Life )

Director: Claudia Buthenhoff -Duffy.
Germany, 2009, DigiBeta, col., b, 52 ', Polish - German ov
Screenplay: Claudia Buthenhoff-Duffy.
Photography: Hans Rombach. Editing: Eva Will.
Music by Andreas & Matthias Hornschuh.
Sound: Matthew Adamczyk.
Cast: Zofia Komeda, Andrzej Wajda, Roman Polanski, Jerzy Skolimowski. Production : Benedikt Pictures, Kaleidoscope Film Studio.
World Sales: C Major Entertainment.

jazz pianist and a film composer, Krzysztof Komeda wrote his own chapter in the history of soundtracks with compositions like the lullaby for Rosemary’s Baby from Roman Polanski. “Komeda was the soundtrack-composer par excellence”, says Roman Polanski, “Without his music my films would be worthless.” It is actually due to Polanski himself that Komeda turns towards film and film music since he followed Polanski’s request to do the music for his early short films, not knowing that a new part of his life is waiting for him. Soon he is a sought after film composer and writes music for the films of Jerzy Skolimowski , Andrzej Wajda and Henning Carlsen . Already an internationally known jazz musician at the time and an icon of the artistic opposition to the communist Poland of the 1950s and 1960s, Komeda composes music for more than 60 films, by and by detaching himself from pure jazz and developing a new kind of soundtrack: quiet and calm although effective and full of surprising sounds. That makes him a pioneer of sound-design as it becomes known only a few years later. Continually Komeda works with Roman Polanski, with whom he establishes a close friendship. It is also Polanski who introduces Komeda to Hollywood’s dream factory and Swingin’ Sixties. There he creates the soundtracks for Roman Polanski’s The Fearless Vampire Killers and Rosemary’s Baby , which are the last and also the highlights of his work. But there his career came to a sudden end in 1968, when an accident caused the concussion that killed him.
The documentary is mainly a reflection on Komeda’s soundtracks and their connection to his life, but also a document about the attitude to life in a time of social, political and cultural change after war, about work and exodus of Polish artist in the 50s and 60s.

Sources :

Claudia Buthenhoff-Duffy was born in Stuttgart in 1959, she studied Linguistics, Philosophy and Psychology at Free University in Berlin. From 1990-95 she was a freelance radio journalist covering such topics as music, childhood, culture and social issues. Claudia has been active in the film business since 2001. She finished the Kaskeline film school in Berlin with a shor t film, Finnen Finden, then worked for the German distributor neue visionen (in the areas of PR, promotional campaigns and funding for distribution). Claudia lives in Berlin.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Gay Japan Cruising Is It Hard Being Gay In Japan?


Da qualche tempo ho conosciuto un ragazzo di Oriolo Romano, molto attivo sul territorio.
Politica, società e iniziative culturali, sono parte integrante del suo blog, dove per "movimento" si intende raggiungere diversi temi nella nostra società.

When was the blog and why?
The blog was created in mid-September, in truth, in a totally accidental, in that a friend of mine taught me the mysteries of the blogspot platform (very user friendly, inter alia) and at the same time I happened to think about the limits of communication 2.0. Certainly very effective and above all very "viral", that is capable of spreading a startling pace, reaching target very different. And, therefore, no memory and organic. FB is its prime example: I use a lot the network, however, and I realized that on facebook è difficile mantenere una visione generale di ciò che sei e ciò che fai. Le note si disperdono, gli interventi si confondono. Da qui l'idea di aprire un mio blog, che mi permette, magari perdendo un po' di immediatezza, di mantenere uno sguardo più posato e realistico su ciò che faccio!
Un blog di movimento, cosa significa?
Un blog di movimento significa semplicemente che a me piace dedicarmi a diversi temi, cercando di non fermarmi mai nella comprensione e nell'approfondimento. Non è un blog dedicato, bensì è il tentativo di riflettere il mio modo di "muovermi" tra i miei interessi I hope in a non-trivial, without betraying the boldness of my vision of the world. I wander among topics of relevance to local reflections more general, I speak of my reading, my activities, always trying to use them in a foreign key, that of putting in our time. There is obviously room for the note customs and the witty joke. The goal is to tell in a "handling" my passions, hoping not rooted in the commonplace and banal. Indeed, if this happens, hit a shot: I'll stop now!
Coltrinaux The idea of \u200b\u200bblogs to advertise on his blog? is crazy?
Fool no, so ambitious! The idea is beautiful, and indeed could well evolve into, as I know, an aggregator, a website, boh! Certainly not be underestimated!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


reported by @ socialmediasyst via Twitter