summer we are with you all the free water
Sorry for the absence, I return with a new post on a subject that I will continue to deal with the problems of the Eagle area, after the earthquake.
Again, "use" a video Francesco Paolucci, journalist
Aquila (label From Blog to Blog, you will find a rencensione on his "Says," Blog of Mauro Francesco Paolucci and mount). This time
"use" also (after you find the video), a note written by Elisa Cerasoli, a journalist of L'Aquila.
Thank you for telling us "really" what happens, the minimum, but really the least I can do is share with as many people as possible.
written by Elisa Cerasoli
is hard to describe all the emotions of yesterday, and even if they are used to write and tell, do not think I can do it at all.
I was excited yesterday morning, I dressed well, a little 'because I was still half there to work, to tell what was happening and when I work I try to be presentable, a bit' because I was there to protest in the earthquake and I broke the image of the earthquake victims as the poor wretches as older women who lose their teeth. We are people istruite, curate, con molti vizi, da sempre additati come tendenzialmente snob e chiusi nelle nostre mura.
Comunque, dicevo, ero emozionata, mi sono vestita bene, sono uscita prestissimo di casa, un paio d’ore in redazione e poi via, felice, verso Piazza Venezia per accogliere i miei concittadini che stavano arrivando in autobus.
La prima sorpresa l’ho avuta ancor prima di arrivare.
Fra largo Argentina e Piazza Venezia 3 blocchi delle forze dell’ordine in tenuta antisommossa. Mentre passo mi guardano, mi giro e faccio a un carabiniere: “Ma per due terremotati, non sarà troppo?” Mi sorride divertito cercando complicità. Lo fulmino con lo sguardo.
Arrivo, li vedo, gli aquilani. A billboard
prophetic hand held by a man: The weapons of our mountain. " We have designed a bottle of wine, salami and cheese, the products of our land, our wealth.
However, these three roadblocks they put me live, I confess, a mixture of excitement and fear has stayed with me all day. There
Piazza Venezia began jostling with the police, are not the same that we have been L'Aquila in recent months, there were hurdles to be opened, there were ways around free, and only on one occasion, 28 February, 6000 Sunday wheelbarrows, there were soldiers in riot gear. The first time was enough
Mrs. Licia to open the gate with his daughter Anna Pina and Pacifica.
Here it soon becomes clear that the day will be long and hard. I get scared.
To clarify: the Mayor says he has permission, the demonstrators had permission for a delegation to the House, and then all at Piazza Navona ...
In fact, the beginning of Via del Corso but between police and financial police were at least 50 people with shields, helmets and batons, two trucks behind them, two at 100 meters.
"Which is the delegation?" I wonder.
I understand that I can not write, I agree launches dictations. They start the jostle, median mayors, parliamentarians, begin to move clubs.
A woman cries in front of me while talking to financiers and says, "you do not pass the earthquake victims, I ptree be your mother and I do see the baton !!!". A reporter called the editorial: "Send someone, I caught A club guard shit, it hurts my back." I understand that is not air and wonder, journalist card in hand, we can move beyond the barrier. One financier said to me: "Here there is not any!" And the delegation of the earthquake that permission? Where to go? "" Here there is not any. " Skip
so I think a half hour, then moving trucks, some pushing and spend, first slowly, then run. They try to make a seam, but can not. We arrive at 100 meters from Piazza Colonna, at Via di Pietra. They start the push to journalists is always forbidden to move, we do not realize that some of the people was stopped at Piazza Venezia ... - maybe we are the delegation, so why not join us? -. Arriva
Mr Lolli, tells us that he was instructed to join us towards Via di Pietra. Some mayors
they walk, some of us reporters following them.
arrive in Piazza di Pietra, we few, we journalists let's face it, we go back, it feels great ... it was baccagliare a trap, the journalists have done away (luckily that operators and photographers have been) and mayors have begun to beat.
I run away to the course for this dark road and I find myself at some point face a mask of blood. "Noooooo, do not they have not beaten the earthquake, it can be." Yet it is!
Lolli came back and he ran to the boy. I think where I left my brother is still perfect behind me, was not among the crowd.
I try to understand how they have hurt, what happened. Communicate via facebook what happened. The injured are two, one has a white shirt completely red. Wrap them have cuts on his head. Alfonso, quello che mi ha rincorso qualche domenica fa per darmi la ricevuta per una “donazione” di 10 euro che avevo fatto per la manifestazione del 16 giugno, uno che dice che la trasparenza si vive, ha la maglia sporca di sangue. Leggo che anche Cialente è ferito.
Ci fanno passare di nuovo per Via di Pietra, arriviamo in pochissimi a Montecitorio, dove anche i disabili manifestano contro la manovra. Mi apparto per dettare una notizia all’agenzia, vicino a me c’è un disabile su una sedia a rotelle, un carabiniere mi si avvicina e mi dice: “Signora, stia attenta, mi raccomando”. “A cosa?” “Sono arrivati gli aquilani, hanno brutte intenzioni, hanno già creato disordini a via del Corso”.
left speechless. I see some groups of disabled people who are taken away. Then accuse us and tell us that we are arrogant and threatening fragile minds of the sick. We are at least on this occasion transparencies. We bunched up in the Piazza Capranica, wait, do not come any more and we understand that you have lost a lot of pieces. Let's go back. We discover that some were still stranded in Via del Corso, Piazza Venezia others.
Di Pietro had gone there to mediate after Lolli had risen to Montecitorio to communicate what was happening on the street. We are all in front of Piazza Colonna. Pannella and reduction Bersani, "The Eagle is the priority" agree. We'll see ... I think of San Marciano.
Ok, is the one e trenta. Torniamo indietro. Abbiamo il nostro “posto” prenotato al Senato.
Il tg5 parla di noi e non degli scontri, il tg2 ne fa un titolo nei sottopancia, il tg1 ne parla dopo 18 minuti. Cosa dicano non lo sappiamo bene.
Arriviamo all’imbocco di Via del Plebiscito. Nuovo posto di blocco. “Ancora??? No… nn se ne può più...”
Ancora spinte, poi si aprono entriamo correndo. Si chiudono di gran fretta le porte di palazzo Grazioli, Una camionetta della Polizia blocca la strada davanti a noi. Si alza del fumo, non capisco, penso “Addirittura i lacrimogeni????”.
Non sono i lacrimogeni, ma capisco che è una trappola, la quarta dopo quella dei sindaci and journalists away from the block, after the group fell apart in three sections, after having sent to Deputies on the disabled, now we close the house of Berlusconi like rats in a trap, as we closed in our homes on April 6. We were cannon fodder, then, we have been 15 months and a day later, we still have some of this.
Rivola few batons, the people are tired and sits down wherever it happens, I fear, there are over 100 police in riot gear with police, financial police and carabinieri. It seems clear that we are causing, they are waiting for an excuse to beat so they can say that we attempt on the life of Prime Minister and that they could not do anything else. Moreover, that fragile minds we were told we had already!
I fear, I confess, I was really scared there. I called my brother, I asked him to stand good. It lasts three quarters of an hour the fake siege, a few drops of rain falls and the people who do not cqpiscono nor danger, nor what they are doing, they want to go on. Caesar's name is Hector I tell him. Do not send me to another country because he is a gentleman. Arriving in front of the cord to see what happens, from behind you do not understand anything.
The situation there is tense.
The eyes of the police are the most absurd thing of all concerned.
That does not tell me that did not choose and that we send them, damn it. They choice for the job and how they look so decide, not their leader. I ask to go over the barrier with the card and always carry with me a photographer. I want to understand if we are still behind other men armed with a truncheon. They tell me that I can go myself, but not the photographer. Baccaglio a bit. 'Cause them, too: "I am not an escort, so do not make me go, right?". It gives me a hand
Antoinette Centofanti, his neck is a poster with the faces of the nine deaths of the student's home, David was his nephew.
the end-face, there's no way to take the shortest route. The elderly and women do not make it any more. They woke up at 6 and 5 hours wandering in a handkerchief di metri sotto il sole romano.
Comunque, alla fine, alle 16 passate arriviamo a Piazza Navona.
Arriva Scelli ma risale velocemente nei suoi palazzi. Spunta una bandiera neroverde dal Senato, ma la tolgono subito. Siamo stanchi. Arriva il sindaco. Non so come sia riuscito anche a incontrare Schifani e la Finocchiaro, ma dice di aver ottenuto che si presenti un emendamento per pagare il 40% degli arretrati in 120 rate da gennaio 2011.
Siamo ancora lontani da Umbria e Marche. Ma anche da Molise, Vercelli, Puglia, Friuli. Siamo lontani e soli. Lontani da una legge che faccia ricostruire L'Aquila.
I miei concittadini vanno verso agli autobus, ma solo dopo averle cantante alla bionda del Tg1 che ha preso il posto della Busi. Passano sotto la FNSi e la Protezione Civile. Urlano “3:32, io non ridevo”.
Oggi i colleghi fanno battute, mi chiedono se sono ancora intera. Non capiscono cosa sia successo ieri. Ieri è stata la giornata più brutta dopo il 6 aprile 2009.
L’Aquila non verrà ricostruita. Berlusconi non metterà mai la tassa di scopo, gli aquilani sono soli, l’Italia è sola e la democrazia è solo un ricordo. Sono arrabbiata e sfiduciata. Il sangue degli aquilani versato il 6 aprile non era forse sufficiente??? Io non userò mai più l’espressione Belpaese per parlare dell’Italia. Voi?