Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cb With Upper Sideband

Sabato prossimo, 3 luglio, sarĂ² This in Bracciano, at the stand of The Agony
(Agone The new monthly published by the association), the event "all free water."
Above you can read the poster, where you will find information and the program of the day.
Who would ask for information, news, ettc ettc, I found Saturday in Bracciano.
Thank you all.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

How Much Money Is Desert Eagle Metal Airsoft Gun

If the truth comes out ... Calci

Almost two months since he returned to L'Aquila, unfortunately I have not had the time, but I have to go back. Meanwhile, citizens and protest, perhaps the truth is finally out ...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wrinkles On A Projector Screen


When my friend Cristian Amadei, (Also known as Ciccio), phoned me to tell me to work with him, I thought I was joking. Then, the adventure started ...
to explain why I accepted it, I thought (although I realize it is self-promotion) that they needed an interview with Cristian.

When was the blog and why?

the blog was born about 20 days ago, driven by the desire to do sports journalism unconventional sick of seeing pictures of the so-called arrogance and bad taste samples than that, the desire and need to get involved and show that real journalists and able to work in a world already saturated as that of sports journalism. I speak in plural because
in this adventure with me there is you, with whom I share many of the ideals of a kick than that we have fun "to take the kick and with whom I shared the adventure this year on the bench ASD Real Anguillara women's soccer team.

2) because it is not just a game, but a frank and sincere union of physical and thought, because sometimes that is not played by millionaires champions dell'erbetta lugs on ordinary people. That?

I deeply believe in this phrase, I follow a weekly amateur championships and the panorama of Rome for my weekly and often I realize that the billions in the world of football has forgotten what is important ... "Passion".
"I kick that football," I have fun and put all of myself to give light to players and teams that would otherwise be lost in the dark.

3) The idea of \u200b\u200bColtrinaux to advertise the blog on his blog? is crazy?

not crazy, at least not as you would expect .. talk to other blogs on his blog is still talking about it, disclose, share .. is that this is crazy, but I know him well and assure you that would rewrite the books on psychoanalysis to find a definition, but some things are the right person at the right time.

If the interview has you intrigued, you can go to the blog "Football Football"