Monday, March 29, 2010

Brazilian Wax In Richmond Bc


Non scrivo di politica in questo blog, l'ho deciso fin dall'inizio, evitando strumentalizzazioni; poi è successo qualcosa, per motivi "professionali" e per un progetto in via di realizzazione ho conosciuto L'Aquila e dei bravissimi colleghi abruzzesi, tuttavia ho cercato di non espormi direttamente, limitandomi a "linkare" video e contenuti sull'argomento post ricostruzione.
Stasera, mentre scrivevo, mi pervadeva l'anima a feeling of helplessness, of resignation, then, between a cigarette and the other, I see the light: a liberation.
'll talk and talk about politics, this time on this blog.
I speak and I will talk about this time or perhaps just perhaps, I'll do when I go, especially now I talk and I will talk about when I will go and how I will do so.

Enough! I've never been a "whatever", I always thought that no matter how long a person is in politics, who is capable, honest, good, can make a hundred, a thousand legislatures, most of the opposition. Enough!

It 's time to change, without throwing out the baby with the bathwater, but now it's time to change. please try to understand it, you who are in opposition, then in the majority, then losing and / or victorious in municipal, provincial, regional, national. Time to move.

Change: I would like to travel in the future more than I do, live a few years abroad, experience different, I say "change," certainly I'm not exactly the person, semi-nomadic people of this post-modernism of the XXI century, which could be a player in first person for a change, or perhaps it is not the point.
I'm tired of local politicians to "lead" other politicians to the different electoral competitions, the same soup, heated, too warm, insipid now. Enough!

I have a party card, I have a card party: a force to criticize the "whatever" it becomes "any" of the first, last, always the first, you "take" those votes and you lose the discontent elections. Enough!

J'accuse ...! (... I accuse!) Is the title of the editorial written by French journalist and writer Emile Zola in the form of an open letter to French President Félix Faure, and published by the socialist newspaper L'Aurore 13 January 1898, with the aim of publicly denounce irregularities and illegalities committed during the trial of Alfred Dreyfus, the center of one of the most famous affair in French history. (Wikipedia)